25 Oju-Olobun Close - Victoria Island - Lagos - P.O. Box 51766. Ikoyi Tel. 61 72 72 - 61 79 09 . Telex 21902 Promec (...)" />


  • Recherche textuelle
  • Brèves
  • Des interviews exclusives de Dja-Apharou ISSA IBRAHIM, ami et confident de Jacques Baulin, responsable par donation de l’intégralité des documents constituant le fond, et président de l’association sont actuellement publiées dans la rubrique présentation.

  • Les trois ouvrages de J. Baulin : Conseiller du président Diori, La politique africaine d’Houphouët-Boigny et La politique intérieure d’Houphouët-Boigny
    seront disponibles sur le site en version iBook et en version Pdf dès septembre


< adresse type="expediteur" >
25 Oju-Olobun Close - Victoria Island - Lagos - P.O. Box 51766. Ikoyi
Tel. 61 72 72 - 61 79 09 . Telex 21902 Promec
Yola Office : 80 B Nepa Road - P.O. Box 924 Jimeta, Yola - Gongola State

December 1985 .



1. On various occasions, the Federal Government has expressed its intention to link, from now on, the grant of Import Licences for sugar to the commitment of the beneficiaries to invest in Sugar-cane growing and processing .

2. The Gongola Rice and Sugar Company has been incorporated with the aim to develop rice and sugar cultivation in the Gassol area of Gongola State .

The Promoters and Shareholders are :

Alh. Umaru jibrilla & Sons


Upper Benue River Basin & Rural Development Authority


ICEC Nigeria


Promeco International Ltd


3. The Upper Benue River Basin and Rural Development Authority has granted the company 2,500 hectares to be developed with-in the frame-work of Lover Taraba River Basin Development Project of the Authority.

4. Out of this 2,500 hectares, the company intends to develop 1,500 hectares for irrigated sugar-cane cultivation. The Soil test conducted by UBRBRDA together with Foreign Consultants have shown that the Gassol area is suitable for sugar-cane cultivation.

5. Irrigation will be ensured by direct pumping from the Benue river and by aspersion under central pivot systems, and will make possible a regular yield of 100 tonnes of cane per hectare.

6. The processing plant will be with the technical assistance of a leading European Company, D.D.S. from Denmark, expert in the technology of small size sugar complexes.

7. The production will be 10,000 tonnes of white sugar per annum.

8. Due to its relatively small size, the Gassol complex will be in production 2 years after the issuance of the import licence of the machinery and equipment.

9.The investment will be in the vicinity of N 12 million, and will be achieved on a purely private basis. We do not ask therefore for any financial contribution from the Federal or State Governments.

We expect only to be offered, as proposed by the Federal Government, the same conditions as other companies, i.e. the grant of an import licence for 10,000 tonnes of sugar per annum ( corresponding to the expected production of our complex ) for the first three years of operations, in order to sustain the efforts of the private investors who will embark in a venture so obviously beneficial to the interests of the Nation.

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